Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Calling All Guestbloggers!!!

Today, I am calling all guestbloggers (or guestposters as some people say)!!! If you would like to guestblog on my blog through this week (or maybe even next week if so many girls want to do it!), email me (marcelle.renee14[at]gmail[dot]com) and let me know so that I can schedule you a date!

Reason for calling guestbloggers? Just cause. :) It will give me a little blogging break, and you'll get an awesome blog to guestblog on! ;) hehe. During my little break, I'll have time to practice my instruments, exercise, spend some extra time on physical therapy workouts, practice walking / balancing, and just have some summer fun at the little shoppes, and around the eiffel tower!

Don't know what to guestblog about? I am not very strict, so pretty much anything! Just please don't use curse words, as I, myself do not use them. Ideas could be DIY's, recipes, fashion, your everyday life, your photography...you could even do a vlog! That would be my favorite. :D If you want to do a vlog, just do it! It does not matter whether my other guestbloggers are (or are not) doing it! Vlogs are a quick and easy way to do a "post" because, instead of writing out a post, you're just talking it! :) But whatever you decide to do, email me and let me know!

What you have to do:
-email me saying that you are willing to guestblog
-let me know (through email) what you are planning to guestblog about
-wait for my approval

What I will do:
-approve of you and your idea for guestblogging
-add you as an author on Miss Paris Chic

So, that being said, would you like to guestblog on Miss Paris Chic?

Je t'aime!
Marcelle Renee

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Today, I have sad news, but happy news, too! But the sad news comes first. We must all say our farewells to Katherine, who has done a spectacular job in my photo challenge. <3 Katherine, you are my bloggy bestfriend, and you had a gorgeous photo!!! Your dog is lovely, and so are you! :) I felt honored to have you  be a part of my very first photo challenge! I definitely hope that you will come back and enter my next photo challenge whenever that time occurs! :D Always remember that you can go far in your photography. Never doubt yourself. Love you girl!

Now for the happy news!! Another beautiful girl has taken the victory in my photo challenge! She had an adorable photo of her dog, and her talent in photography is clearly seen...Abigail Grace, ladies and gentlemen!!! *confetti toss* 

Abigail Grace, love, you are the winner of my very first photo challenge! How does it feel?! ;) 

Since she is our winner, she will get an opportunity to guestpost on my blog in the near future, a button made by my friend, Lindsey, and an award that Lindsey has offered to make!!! Abigail Grace, I have looked at your blog, and I realized that you already have buttons, so if you do not wish to get a button, you do not have to worry about that one. :) But you can still guestpost on my blog if you would like, and Lindsey will make you an award! :D Abigail Grace, you can email me at: marcelle.renee14[at]gmail[dot]com if you have any questions! :)

And to everyone else...those who also participated in this photo challenge...congratulations to all of you!!! I could not have had such a wonderful photo challenge without your excited participation! I hope that ALL of you will come back and enter in my next photo challenge when that time occurs! Every single one of you had (and still have!) beautiful photography skills!!

To those of you who did not participate this time...it's ok! But I really would like for you to participate next time!! :D It's really not that hard, and you can still vote - perhaps for yourself!! :) Photo challenges are more and more fun with the more people you have involved. teehee.

Love to all, my sweets!
Marcelle Renee

PS. The title "Triomphateur" means "Winner" or "Victor" !! ;)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Photo Challenge // Round 4

It is now time for Round 3 of the Photo Challenge! The contestants and I would like to thank every one of the 38 voters in the poll. The poll ended last night, and the contestant voted off was Sierra.

Word from Marcelle ~ Sierra, ma cherie!!! You did quite superb in my photo challenge! :) I think your photo is such an adorable one! You have a lovely horse. <3 I hope you will come back and enter in more photography challenges that I may host in the near future! Merci, darling. :)

The Poll Results
Abigail Grace - 13
Katherine - 12
Sierra - 9

With that said...here are your TWO FINALISTS!!!!!!!

Abigail Grace


Well, my challenge is almost finished, dear friends! You have until Friday night to vote for one of our two finalists! I am giving you a little time here on Thursday night, so some of you have already taken advantage of this time - GREAT!!! Katherine and Abigail Grace need as much support as they can get! Whether or not they win this photo challenge depends on YOUR help!

The winner...of the Miss Paris Chic Photo Challenge...will be posted...sometime...on Saturday. :)

Goodnight loves.
Marcelle Renee

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Photo Challenge // Round 3

It is now time for Round 3 of the Photo Challenge! The contestants and I would like to thank every one of the 38 voters in the poll. The poll ended last night, and the contestant voted off was Demi Mist

Word from Marcelle ~ I would like to congratulate you for your lovely entry in my very first photo challenge!! You did amazingly well, and Kanella is quite pretty. I hope you will come back and consider entering in another one of my photo challenges! Thank you so much!!

The Poll Results
Abigail Grace - 13
Sierra - 10
Katherine - 8
Demi Mist - 7

But the challenge must go on!! Here are your top 3 entries, Miss Paris Chic readers!

Abigail Grace


These girls really need your vote, so come back and vote on the poll!
Remember, you only have until 11:59 PM tonight!


And that concludes the ending of Round 2, but only the beginning of Round 3.

~Marcelle Renee~

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Photo Challenge // Round 2

It is now time for Round 2 of the Photo Challenge! The contestants and I would like to thank every one of the 46 voters in the poll. The poll ended last night, and the contestant voted off was Leah Mays.

Word from Marcelle ~ Awesome job in the photo challenge, Leah!! Your horses are beautiful, and your skill in photography is clearly seen! Hope you will come back and enter in my next photo challenge! :) Thanks again, girl!

The Poll Results
Abigail Grace - 17 votes
Katherine - 12 votes
Demi Mist - 8 votes
Sierra - 5 votes
Leah Mays - 4 votes

But the Challenge must go on. Here are your top 4 entries!

These girls really need your vote, so come back and vote on the poll!
This time, you only have until 11:59 PM tonight!


And that concludes the ending of Round 1, but only the beginning of Round 2.

~Marcelle Renee~

Monday, June 18, 2012

Whoopsie Daisy

Sorry about not putting up the poll!!! It's up now, so I'm going to give you an extra day to vote to compensate for the time in which the poll was not up! You have until Monday night at 11:59 PM.

Couple little things...
-YES, you can vote for yourself!
-I will only be counting the votes in the poll. The comment votes do not count! That's why I gave you an extra day. :)

So don't forget...tell all of your blogging friends to come on over to my blog and vote for your entry!


~Marcelle Renee~

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Photo Challenge Contest Entries

Today, on a wonderful Father's Day, I am proud to present to you the photos of my darling girls, who have entered in my very first photo challenge contest!!!

 >>Abigail Grace's entry!

 >>Demi Mist's entry!

 >>Katherine's entry!

 >>Leah May's entry!

 >>Sierra's entry!

So there ya have it!
You have until Monday night to vote for your favorite entry!
On Tuesday morning, the entry that got the least amount of votes will be eliminated, and the remaining entries will be up in a new poll!
It will keep going on like that until there is one entry left.
That one entry...will be the WINNER!!!


~Marcelle Renee~

Friday, June 15, 2012

From Blog Life to Real Life

Today, I'm linking up with Britt and Jessica with their "From Blog Life to Real Life" post! I actually saw this idea on Katherine and Elisha's blogs, and then they linked it back to Britt and Jessica, who made up the whole idea. I did not get a chance to post it yesterday, but hey. It's better late than never, right?! :)

1. Do you have any real-life blog friends?
Yes! My darling sister, Julianna. <3

2. Which blogger(s) are you just dying to meet?
I am dying to meet my bloggy buddies: Katherine, ErynnElisha, and Lindsey!!! :D 

3. Which blogger's closet do you want to raid?
Julianna's all the way. ;)

4. You are stuck on an island. Which blogger would you want with you to help you survive?
Hmmm...probably Katherine because she's my bloggy BESTIE, and she seems to be outside a lot! :)

5. The first blogger you remember meeting and "connecting" with?
Not one single blogger. :( I haven't met a blogger yet, but I hope to meet Elisha and Erynn this summer!! :D

6. Any blogger(s) that you admire and look up to?
KATHERINE!!! She's older than me, and I look up to her like an older sister! <3 And also Julianna <3, who is my REAL older sister!! :) These two girls are the BEST.

7. Who is the craziest/funniest blogger?
I would have to say Kathryn! XD

8. There's a reality TV show for bloggers, who would you want to be cast with you?
People I've already mentioned...Katherine, Julianna, Elisha, Erynn, Kathryn, Sierra, and Jessa! :)

9. Some bloggers have really cool jobs, anybody you'd like to switch jobs with?
Not sure... :P

10. Favorite blog design?
My sister, Julianna's design!! She's really into designing blogs, so if you want a new blog design, don't hesitate to email her!! She is kind of shy about getting it out there, but if you email HER...she will gladly design your blog. :) <3

Much love ma cheris!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Photo Challenge!

After much inspiration from the blogs of my dear friends, I am going to host a photo challenge!! My sister, Julianna, is also hosting a photo challenge at her blog. :) We thought it would be fun to do one at the same time.

So my topic is going to be animals! :) I was thinking of doing a different topic...like balloons, or anything pink, or something french...but I wanted to make sure that most people would be able to do this challenge, so I'm making it simple.

Here are the rules:

1. Take a photo of an animal. It can be any animal as long as YOU took the picture! :)
2. Send it to me by Saturday night (6-16-12).
3. To enter, comment on this post. I will only be taking the first 7 entries aka comments!!!

What will happen, is I will have all your entries by Saturday night...therefore, I will post each photo on Sunday along with a poll. The poll will have the names of the entrants on it, and anyone can vote on the entry they think should win. If you entered, you can vote for youself if you want to! :) 

Now I am going to draw this out a little to give everyone a little suspense. So each day, the person with the least votes will get eliminated from the contest. Finally, at the end of the week, there will be one person left, and that person, my friends, will be declared the winner!!!

The prize will be the winner's choice. You can choose from these things:

-a button for your blog that one of my friends has offered to make
-an opportunity to guestpost on my blog (!)
-a "Photo Challenge Winner" blog award that you can put on your blog 
(the winner will automatically get this (!), but she can also choose one of the first 2 things).

Does this all make sense to you?! If not, feel free to email me with any questions you might have!

Remember, the first 7 commenters that would like to enter will be chosen! Any people who would like to enter after that will not be eligible.


Marcelle Renee