Friday, May 11, 2012

Shoutout to...ERYNN!

My fellow blog I am giving a shoutout to Erynn from Little Blue Eyes! SHE made me a GORGEOUS header and all I did was change the background!!! I am exhausted right now because it's in the midnight hour, but before I went to sleep, I just wanted to let Erynn know how proud I am of her and how beautiful a job she did! <3 

You should have seen our chat...she kept showing me different ones and little miss perfectionist me kept pointing out something little to change! It must have been so funny to her - Julianna was laughing her head off beside me. XD She was like, "Marcelle! Quit being so perfectionist! Erynn isn't going to ever design your header again, I bet!" Both Erynn and Julianna make me laugh. They are such joys to be around and chat with.<3 

So Erynn, I love you and am going to keep bugging you about making a blog design website. ;) You're so talented with this!

EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS READING THIS: If you need a blog design, don't hesitate to email Erynn! She is the most willing, helpful, patient, cute and talented blog designer! <3 =)


-marcelle- :)


  1. Awwwwwww my dear thank you!!!

    Je t'aime ma cherie!

    1. You're welcome!

      haha! You're learning some french! ;) Bravo!

      Je t'aime ma chere!


    2. Haha, i learned it from you!!

      Je t'aime ma chere!

    3. Yay! :)

      Little French Word Secret #452 ;) When you say "ma chere" you are saying "my dear", but when you say "ma cherie" you're saying "my darling"! :D Notice the presence of the "i" in one, and the absense of the "i" in the other! Did ya know that?

      Now here's another one for you to learn... ;)

      Beaucoup d'amour ma belle!

  2. I love the new header! Very cute!

    1. Thank you love! :) Erynn is amazing with headers! <3
