Monday, May 7, 2012

Of what shall I post?

The poll has officially closed, and there were 21 darling votes! 

Pretty Photos - 5 votes

Life with SB - 6 votes
{And no, these are not my feet or wheelchair} :)

Poems - 3 votes

Fashion - 7 votes

So it looks like my lovely readers will be grandement heureux if I post about everything but poems! Though I am greatly offended that no one wants to read my poems...I am an aspiring poet you know. ;) JUST KIDDING!!! haha. Pour être honnête, the poems thing was actually more of a joke one because I have never written a piece of poetry in my life, nor have I memorized many poems! But for the adorable three who thought I should do poems...I will post some here and there just for you, okay? <3 

Les étreintes et baisers!

-miss paris chic


  1. Oh, lovely! I'm very excited to see your next posts! But I do love poems--just wasn't able to vote on the polls in time.

    And by the way, I really love seeing the French words and sentences in your posts. It's a wonderful way to gain more knowledge of the French language.

    Les etreintes et baisers pour vous!

    1. YAY! It's a good thing you like my French because I shall be using it a lot in my posts(; teehee.
      Chat ya later, ma cherie!

  2. I want to hear your poems for sure!! (:

  3. I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

  4. ahh I see. Do you write poems? :) idk how good I will be at poetry, but if I fail, I'll always post a favourite or two from an authour I most enjoy. <3
    Feel free to send me an email anytime! :)

  5. Oh! You should do FASHION! :)

  6. hey :) thank you so much for such an inspiring comment ^^
    and of course we can follow each other - followed your lovely blog through GFC and will look forward for fashion related posts :) ^^

    1. You're welcome dear :) I will try and do fashion related posts as soon as I can get my thoughts together. XD haha.
