Bonjour ma cheris! I am very sorry that I have not posted lately! I am trying my hardest to finish my freshman year of highschool strong. So I apologize to my magnifique readers for my lack of posting. With that said, I shall begin my "Awards Ceremony"! ;) teehee. Since I have been blessed by such lovely blogger friends, I have been receiving numerous awards, so I am going to tackle them all in one post! Here we go!
The first award is the Kreativ blogger award! I was given it by
Demi, so thank you so much for that. :)
-Thank the blogger from whom you received the award.
-Share 7 random things about yourself.
-Award the 5 most Kreativ Bloggers.
I am not very good with random things, but I will give my best shot. Some of you will probably know some of these things. XD
Seven Random Things:
1. I love sweet treats.
2. I meet many different types of people in Paris.
3. Shopping is definitely my thing.
4. My sister is the best. <3
5. Though I reside in Paris, I have been to the States.
6. I love the color lavendar.
7. I am not a random person.
So now I would like to award:
Congratulations girls!! :)
Now on to my second award...if you were not awarded the first time, you might be awarded the second time! And if you get awarded more than once...that's a good thing! I am not afraid to award people more than once. ;) But I won't do 'award backs' where you get the award from someone, and then you give the exact same award back to them. So the second award is the "Your blog is great" award!! It was graciously given to me by
Katherine, so THANKS GIRL!!!
Put a link to who gave you the award.
Put the award on your post.
Choose 5 blogs to receive the award.
Let them know you awarded them.
So I am going to award:
Leah Nicolette
Congratulations girls!! :)
Now we have my third award - "The Versatile Blogger Award"!! I was given this award by
Leah Nicolette, so thanks a bunch, ma cherie! <3
Rule #1 Must state the rules =)
Rule #2 Thank the awarder and link back to them =)
Rule #3 Pass this award on to, 5 other bloggers. List their names with links to their award winning blogs. =)
Rule #4 Must notify the awarded bloggers by commenting on their blog =)
PS. There was a rule #5, but it said to give some random things, and I am not going to do that again. haha. If you want to see random things about me, just scroll up to the Kreativ Blogger Award, or go to "About Moi". ;)
So...I shall award:
Jessa Bri
Congrats you girls!! :)
And for my last award (as of now ;), I have the "Best Blogger Ever" Award from
Katherine!! Thanks so much, mon amour!! <3
The rules are simple:
-Post on your blog that you have won this award
-Thank the person who awarded you by linking back to them
-Award 5 other bloggers!
-Post these rules!
I am going to award:
CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN AWARDED TODAY!!! If you have not, there is always a next time. :)
Thank you for sticking through my "Award Ceremony"! I hope you had fun. :)
Je t'aime, ma cheris!
-Miss Paris Chic-