Wednesday, April 25, 2012

To meet a darling

I'm vraiment excité (really excited) right now!!! I have a possible chance to meet a fellow blogger. Yes. I can hardly believe this.

I haven't even been following the darling elisha for a very long time. I had just created my blog, and gotten my first follower. So I went blog hopping. My blog hopping led me to The Official Blog of Elisha. I thought her blog was beautiful at first sight! I immediately began reading her newest posts, plus MANY of her old ones. I decided to click the GFC button, which would allow me to publicly follow elisha's blog. Such a great decision I made. I began to comment on her posts. One day, I went to my own blog and realized that she had seen my comments on her posts, and had commented on mine! I got all excited inside. I responded to her comments right away, and sent her an email because, after reading some of her older posts, I discovered that she was a resident of North Carolina, in the States.

In my email to her, I told her that my sister, Julianna and I would be accompanying our father on one of his numerous business trips to NC. We were considering attending Little Women - a theatre performance in Raleigh. I would be overjoyed to get to meet her!

Not expecting such a rapid response, I checked my blog once again. Elisha had commented saying that she had received my email, and was awaiting my reply! I could have jumped. I hurridly typed in "gmail" and my email inbox came up. Elisha's email was waiting for me. I clicked on it and almost screamed! I would share the content with you, but that would be weird for me because I never share other people's emails. :) But you can imagine my excitement and thrill. 

She said that she would love to meet me. She said that she is coming to Little Women in NC. She said that she is actually a PART of the theatre company which will perform Little Women. She told me how excited she was!

I quickly responded and attached a photo of Julianna and a photo of myself, so that she would be able to find us in the midst of all the people attending Little Women. Note: I don't usually send photos of myself! If you ask me to, I most likely will not. Only on certain conditions. 

At this moment of time, I eagerly await elisha's response. I am so glad I met elisha online. I cannot wait to meet elisha in person.

Photo of Elisha from The Official Blog of Elisha =)

Je t'aime!



  2. 1) I'm HONORED that I'm one of the people who actually gets pictures from you!!

    2) why wasnt I following you all this time!??! :P well that has changed. *click*. now following. <3

    3) aaahhh!!! cant wait to meetttt youuu(:

    1. 1) SHHHHH! ;)

      2) awww! Thanks love! <3 I saw your post where you said you were cutting down on different people's blogs, so I'm honored that you're actually following ME!!

      3) I can't wait to meet YOU! :D

      4) Have you checked out Julianna's blog yet?! I know you'll like her. =D teehee.

    2. hahahha. ;)

      of course im followiinngg (:

      sorry it didnt work out. :(

      and yeaahh!!!!

  3. Thanks so much for following my blog!
    I would LOVE to live in Paris!
    I am currently begging my parents to take me!
    Your so lucky! :)

    1. You're welcome ma chère! And thanks! :) teehee.

  4. Thank you so much for following me! Great post:)

  5. Bonjour beautiful Sierra!<3 And thank you:) I'm glad you like my name! I think yours is quite lovely as well. :) Elisha told me that she isn't actually going to be IN the play, but just going to see it. :) You're welcome! Your blog is most adorable. <3

  6. Lucky girl!!! I've always wanted to meet Elisha too, though I live at the Philippines :( And I'd hopefully want to meet you someday and gain a new friend! :)

    1. teehee :) Thanks hun! I would love to meet you too! :D

    2. hahah thats so funny how everyone wants to meet ME! :P

  7. So sweet! What a cool friendship and I hope you make many more like it!

    1. Ahhh thanks dear :) I hope so too! teehee. And thanks for following!

  8. Bonjour ma chere! :) I'm so glad you like my blog! I love yours!

    And I would love to enter your giveaway, but I'm not allowed to give out my address. :P I love the jewelry box though! Good luck with your giveaway darling! :)
